Avatar Wiki
Avatar Wiki

(Why the title is 'C', I'll never know . I must've pressed a wrong button... or something.)

Wooooo! I know today was a special day for everyone here. It's the day we get to see what really happened in the Dream Hunt, what went on a tthe Old School House, or just how beautifully Jake and Neytiri danced. Someone here already had a copy, (Lucky...mumble) but for those of us that had to wait until today, we shall CELEBRATE! I found myself sobbing once again at Tsu'tey's death scene and laughing on the ground when Neytiri screamed, "Hell YEAH!"

Props to my momma for going to the store and picking up my pre-ordered copy while I was at school. 83

So, how about it? Were your expectations met by the new stuff or not?

(Comment on this blog telling me I'm irrelevant I dare yoooooooou)
